Sheridan Global Advantage Award
Unlock your future with a $2,000 advantage!
Apply today for a chance to receive the Sheridan Global Advantage Award: International students who apply for a study permit and accept an offer to a full-time program at Sheridan College before June 15, 2025 may receive a $2,000 Sheridan Global Advantage Award.
Provincial Attestation Letters (PALs)
Sheridan is actively allocating Provincial Attestation Letters (PALs) to incoming international students for all future semesters.
Read more: Updates to study permits and PALs
PGWP-aligned programs
If you're interested in working in Canada after completing your studies, make sure your program aligns with the new post-graduation work permit (PGWP) eligibility guidelines from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).
Read more: Sheridan programs that align with the new PGWP guidelines
Applying to Sheridan
Apply for FREE
International Students in Canada
- Book a virtual appointment with one of our Student Recruitment specialists and we can go through your application together.
International Students outside of Canada
- Find out when Sheridan representatives will be in your country and attend one of our recruitment events to learn more.
Ready? Start your application now
Already applied to Sheridan?
View outstanding requirements, deadlines and next steps through your Applicant Portal.
Received an offer of admission?
Accept your offer and reserve your place today.
Fees information
Why choose Sheridan?
International Viewbook
For more information about what Sheridan offers, check out our International Viewbook — you'll find details about our campuses, programs, support services, alumni and more.
Get to know Sheridan: Ways to connect
Outside of Canada but want to connect?
Already in Canada and able to come visit?
“So much happened in four years, and every moment was precious to me. There was a lot of fun, learning, and great experiences. I'm from China, so studying at Sheridan made me 12,000 km away from my home. At first, I had some worries and challenges, but as things unfolded I started to see all the beauty of this country.”
– Tianyi Zhong, Honours Bachelor of Animation student from China
Updates to study permit process
On January 22, 2024, the Government of Canada announced changes to the study permit process and post-graduate work permit program (PGWPs). Additional measures were announced on September 18, 2024.
More information and FAQs: IRCC updates to study permit process
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1-905-845-9430, ext. 4
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